Relational Spaces was an urban center for Relational Practices and Embodied Leadership, located in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. Our work was based on the assumption that loneliness, disembodiment, stress and lack of connection are as some of the most prevalent issues in contemporary society and we are still dedicated to create spaces where these issues can be healed, through increased relational awareness, presence and embodiment.
Since we opened our doors in the middle of a pandemic in April 2021 we promoted practices that enable humans to relate more harmoniously; to themselves, to other people, to society and to nature. Simple, pragmatic practices that invite people to reconnect with themselves and others. Practices that help people unlearn and let go of patterns, tensions and ideas that don’t serve them anymore.
We have offered:
All of our facilitators continue their work in other locations.
To create spaces where human relations can play out in all their beauty. Spaces for aliveness, presence and embodiment.
To bring people back to their senses and emotions through connective experiences and events.
To promote pragmatic and practical practices that help people to discover and explore themselves as they are right now.
The co-creators of relational spaces were dedicated to bring the practices which they have been trained in to our members and workshop participants. We founded the association with a group of 8 people in December 2020 and put hundreds of hours into making the basement we have been in the cozy space that it was for almost 2 years.
We were aiming to live from what we are offering in Relational Spaces, and still, by November 2022 no one have gotten paid from the classes and workshops which are part of the membership. Most of the co-creators had jobs aside, and while some have an income from giving treatments or doing courses in RS we were still not at a level where it was a sustainable business.
We were hoping to be able to pay some of the co-creators who are putting in many hours into cleaning, developing, marketing and relating. At some point we had to decide to stop to try and give up our dream with this dedicated venue.
All of our facilitators continue their work in other locations.
Pandemien tog fællesskabet fra os. Jeg tog i følelsernes fitnesscenter for at finde det igen
Ensomheden har sat sig i os efter to års nedlukning, så hvor går man hen, hvis samhørigheden med andre ikke bare kommer af sig selv?
Vi er 15 mennesker i rummet, og det er ved at blive lidt hedt. Det er ikke så meget temperaturen, der stiger, som det er intensiteten. Vi er opdelt i grupper af tre, og vi må ikke sige noget. Lige nu skal vi bare sidde sammen. Helt stille i flere minutter. Den eneste, der af og til taler, er Einar. Han er svensk og ligner Viggo Mortensen i Ringenes Herre, og med sin rolige stemme guider han de små grupper gennem aftenens workshop i circling. En selvudviklingsmetode, der handler om nærvær, om gode, ærlige relationer og forbundethed med andre. Vejen dertil går gennem en god og ærlig kontakt med dig selv, og det er det, der er opgaven lige nu i vores små triader rundtomkring på de persiske tæpper på gulvet. Vi skal rette opmærksomheden indad og virkelig mærke efter. Igen og igen minder Einar os om det spørgsmål, der er kernen i circling: “Hvordan er det at være dig lige nu?”
Jana Schröder
Kiki Nadia
Mark Thyrring
Nuno Catharina Pedersen
Peter Munthe-Kaas
© 2020 Relational Spaces